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PhD in Sciences Mention Neurosciences


The general objective of the Doctoral Program in Sciences with mention in Neuroscience is to train independent scientists capable of understanding the processes related to the development, structure and function of the nervous system in general. The strengths of the Program lie in molecular and biophysical physiology, computational neuroscience, sensory neuroscience, neural plasticity, neuropathology, development, and neurogenetics.

The specific objectives of the Program are:

1.- To train scientists capable of actively contributing to the development of Neuroscience.

2.- Support the dissemination of science both within and outside the university community.

3.- Encourage and strengthen collaboration and exchange between national and international scientists, coming from different areas, from molecular biology to theoretical and applied biology.

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Program Director

Ana María Cárdenas, PhD
Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurociencia de Valparaíso, Universidad de Valparaíso

Academic Body

e-mail Topics of interest
Alvaro Ardiles, Ph.D. alvaro.ardiles(at) Synaptic structure and function in murine models of neurodegeneration
Christian Bonansco, Ph.D. christian.bonansco(at) Synaptic neurobiology
Andrea Calixto, Ph.D. tigonas(at), andrea.calixto(at) Microbiome, transgenerational behavior and neurodegeneration in C. elegans
Ana María Cárdenas, Ph.D. ana.cardenas(at) Molecular mechanisms of neurosecretion
Andrés Chávez, Ph.D. andres.chavez(at) Synaptic transmission, synaptic plasticity, sensory physiology, neuromodulation
Chiayu Chiu, Ph.D. chiayu.chiu[at] Excitation-inhibition balance in neurons and cortical circuits
Gonzalo Cruz, Ph.D. gonzalo.cruz(at) Role of innervation in reproductive and metabolic diseases
Alexies Dagnino, Ph.D. alexies.dagnino(at) Resilience to stress and neuropsychiatric diseases, brain oscillations and behavior
Wael El-Deredy, Ph.D. wael.el-deredy(at) Reward Processing, Brain Dynamics, EEG Inverse Problem, Probabilistic Models, Neural Complexity
John Ewer, Ph.D. john.ewer(at) Drosophila genetics, behavior and development
Marco Fuenzalida, Ph.D. marco.fuenzalida(at) Regulation of synaptic potentiation and depression in inhibitory circuits
Carlos González, Ph.D. carlos.gonzalezl(at) Ion channels: structure and function
Ramón Latorre, Ph.D. ramon.latorre(at) Ion channels: structure and function
Agustín Martínez, Ph.D. agustin.martinez(at) Oligomerization, traffic, structure and function of connexins and panexins; pathogenetic mechanisms of connexin mutations associated with genetic deafness
Pablo Moya, Ph.D. pablo.moya(at) Neuropsychiatric diseases, neuropharmacology, behavior, psychiatric genetics
Pablo Muñoz, Ph.D. pablo.munozca(at) Mechanisms of neuroplasticity and aging.
David Naranjo, Ph.D. david.naranjo(at) Molecular physiology of potassium channels
Alan Neely, Ph.D. alan.neely(at) Molecular mechanisms of voltage-gated ion channel regulation
Ignacio Negrón, Ph.D. ignacio.negron(at) Cortical neuronal oscillations and activity associated with learning and memory
Patricio Orio, Ph.D. patricio.orio(at) Mathematical modeling of neuronal excitability
Adrián Palacios, Ph.D. adrian.palacios(at) Sensory biology; vision; neurobiology and behavior
Juán Carlos Sáez, Ph.D. juancarlos.saez(at) Regulation and function of channels formed by connexins and panexins
Oliver Schmachtenberg, Ph.D. oliver.schmachtenberg(at) Sensory coding in smell and visual system
Ramón Sotomayor, Ph.D. ramon.sotomayor(at) Neurochemistry, Neuropharmacology and Neuroendocrinology
Kathleen Whitlock, Ph.D. kathleen.whitlock(at) Development and function of the nervous system using zebrafish as a model
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