Participants – CINV-Max Planck Tandem Group
CEDOC, NOVA Medical School, Portugal
Chiayu Chiu
Yale University School of Medicine, USA
Institute of Molecular Regenerative Medicine.
Paracelsus Medical University. Salzburg. Austria
Department of Molecular Integrative Physiology.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
The Hospital for Sick Children
University of Toronto, Canada
Pontificia Universidad Católoca de Chile, Chile
Neuroscience Department, Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences
Tufts University. USA
Maite Castro
Instituto de Bioquímica, Facultad de Ciencias. Center for Interdisciplinary Studies on Nervous System (CISNe).
Universidad Austral de Chile. Chile
Queensland Brain Institute.
The University of Queensland. Australia.
Universidad Austral de Chile. Chile