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NEURÓPOLIS is a documentary series of scientific and cultural dissemination, which explores the daily scope of neuroscience in the city.
Each chapter deals in depth with a topic of universal interest, through a playful and original perspective, crossing glances from different perspectives and disciplines.

Check out the first season of Neuropolis below.
The world of addictions | Neurópolis – T1E1
Pleasure and pain | Neurópolis – T1E2
Intelligence and Learning | Neurópolis – T1E3
Vision and colors| Neurópolis – T1E4
Memory and memories | Neurópolis T1E5
Sound | Neurópolis – T1E6
Smells and flavors | Neurópolis – T1E7
Clocks and time | Neurópolis – T1E8

Audiovisual production of the CINV, carried out by Cábala Producciones, which narrates one of the most significant epics in the recent history of science in Chile: that of a group of researchers in the town of Montemar, Valparaíso, who were capable of making great discoveries. worldwide impact using the nerves of the Humboldt Current cuttlefish.

Direction: Gonzalo Argandoña.
Executive production: Diego Rojas.
Realization: Diego Pequeño.
Mounting: Danielle Fillios y Mauricio Gallardo.
Music: Jorge Puig y Jorge Demangel
Scientific and content consulting: Ramón Latorre, Juan Carlos García.

Neuromantes is a popular science series set in Valparaíso and aimed at all audiences. In six chapters it addresses topics of universal interest such as beauty, perception and emotions, among others, from a creative way and integrating different perspectives from neuroscience, innovation and culture.
Valparaíso is another of the protagonists of the series, since in each chapter reference is made to the heritage city, positioning it as the headquarters for the development of scientific knowledge in combination with art and culture.

Check out all the Neuromantes chapters below.

Neuromantes | Relojes Biológicos

Neuromantes | Memoria

Neuromantes | Belleza

Neuromantes | Redes

Neuromantes | Percepción

Neuromantes | Emociones

Exploradores, TVN’s popular science series that shows the passion of scientists to advance their studies and the most recent discoveries and technological advances in Chilean science.

Check out our Exploradores chapters below

Exploradores | Reloj Biológico y cambio de hora

Exploradores | Cannabis interno

Exploradores | Los Secretos de la araña de rincón

Para ver todos los capítulos de Exploradores entra AQUÍ

Experimenta, dissemination series where in each chapter, there is an approach of boys and girls to the work of a scientist, being able to carry out experiences together in the laboratory.

Check out our Experimenta chapters below

Experimenta | Neurociencia, ¡qué no te dé sueño!

Experimenta | Las arañas y sus sentidos

Puedes ver todos los capítulos de Experimenta AQUÍ

The audiovisual project La Alegría de los Sentidos: Sabio Silencio presents the surprising auditory systems of animals that have a different sensorial reality than humans: Owls, Bats and Whales. In addition to describing the fascinating biology of these animals, we present an argument in favor of the conservation of the living world. The program combines the point of view of both scientists and local indigenous peoples (Mapuche).

The target audience is 12 years old to adults and the running time is approximately 26 minutes.

The project is funded by Ciencia Pública, División Ciencia y Sociedad del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología, Conocimiento e Innovación (CP22-P042); The Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurociencia de Valparaíso; Ciencia Al Tiro; and Universidad de Valparaíso

Mentes Brillantes is a documentary series, of a human-historical-scientific nature, that tells us in an entertaining way the history of Chilean science of the last 50 years, through its main protagonists: the National Science Awards

Documental Mentes brillantes | Ramón Latorre

Production of audiovisual shorts based on ten of the chapters of the book “The joy of science”, material aimed at students of basic education, which can be easily integrated into the classroom as a complementary activity-workshop for experimentation by students and which is scheduled to be broadcast on open television at the end of this year.


La alegría de la Ciencia: tema “BioGas”

La alegría de la Ciencia”: tema “Compost”

La alegría de la Ciencia: tema “Acuaponía”

La alegría de la Ciencia: tema “Motor simple”

“La alegría de la Ciencia”: tema “Guateros mágicos”

La alegría de la Ciencia: tema “El Termómetro”

La alegría de la Ciencia: tema “Manos sucias”

“La alegría de la Ciencia”: tema Horno Solar 2

La alegría de la Ciencia: tema “Brújula”

“La alegría de la Ciencia”: tema “Energía Solar”


Esteban Orlando Harrington Arellano was born in Valparaíso in 1863 and died in 1936, in the midst of his career in a tragic tram accident, his story awakens the interest of many. For this reason, the team of journalists made up of Francisca Ugarte, Claudia Carreño and Marcelo Macellari, together with the audiovisual producer, Mauricio Sánchez, embarked on the project to investigate the life of the architect and historical time, through 4 audiovisual reports, with testimonies from historians, researchers, academics, among others, a project that was awarded funding from the Fund for Culture and the Arts, Fondart Regional.

The CINV has lived for more than a decade in two of the houses built by the architect and in the fourth chapter of this documentary, we can learn what this experience means in the stories of Ramón Latorre and Andrea Calixto, researchers from our center.

Watch chapter IV of the documentary below

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