Southern School of Biophysics
Recovering a long-standing tradition of biophysics courses in Chile, the Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurociencias de Valparaíso (CINV) with the generous support of the University of Chicago and sponsorships of the University of Valparaíso is organizing a Southern School of Biophysics scheduled for January 7-19, 2019. The School is directed to graduate students and postdoc of Chile and abroad (with an emphasis in Latin American Countries). Previous experience is not required, but successful applicants should document the potential impact of this course in either thesis or post-doctoral. Primarily directed to PhD students, the School may also accept strong applications from postdoc and young investigators. All students will be granted a scholarship towards meals, accommodation and up to USD500 to cover air fare or land transportation travel expenses.
This will be an intensive course with morning lectures to discuss current approaches in ion channel research, with an emphasis on structure/function relationship of ion channels and transporters, modelling using molecular dynamics and fluorescence techniques used in ion channel research. These lectures will be followed by critical discussions of seminal papers in which active discussion of all attendees is encouraged. The remaining of the day will be spent in the laboratories where students are tutored “hands-on” in electrophysiology, confocal microscopy, voltage- and patch-clamp fluorometry, Luminescence Resonance Energy Transfer, image processing and molecular biology. Each student, depending on individual interests, is expected to choose two or three of these topics. A body of 18 researchers from Chile (9) and abroad (9) will contribute to lectures and laboratory activities.
For further details see the program.
Registration closes on November 15th, 2018 and requires a biographical sketch and short letter justifying your interest in the course and how it may impact on your thesis or postdoctoral work.