10.30-10.50: Registration
10.50-11.00: Opening and Welcome.
11.00-12.40: Morning session.
Chair: John Ewer (CINV, Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile)
11.00-11.40: Plenary Lecture: Maria Leptin. Morphogenesis: from whole organism integration to biophysical principles. (EMBO, Germany)
11.40-12.00: Miguel Allende. Revealing the diversity and roles of innate immune cells in zebrafish. (Universidad de Chile).
12.00-12.20: Carmen Gloria Feijoo. Innate and adaptive immune response during intestinal inflammation in fish. (UNAB, Chile)
12.20-12.40: Marcela Torrejon. The Lord of the G: a master regulator of Neural Crest migration (U. Concepción, Chile)
12.40-14.00: Lunch
14.00-15.25: Afternoon session I.
Chair: Ariel Reyes (UNAB, Santiago, Chile)
14.00-14.25: Alejandro Sanchez-Alvarado. Understanding the source of regenerative ability in animals. (HHMI, Stowers Institute, USA)
14.25-14.45: Miguel Concha. Embryo morphogenesis driven by bio-mechanical interactions with extra-embryonic tissue. (Universidad de Chile)
14.45-15.05: Elias Barriga. The onset of collective migration is mechanically controlled during morphogenesis. (University College London, UK)
15.05-15.25: Andrés Sarrazín. Evolutionary origin of segment formation in arthropods and vertebrates. (P U. Católica de Valparaíso, Chile)
15.25-16.00 Coffee break
16.00-17.50: Afternoon session II.
Chair: Katherine Whitlock. (CINV, Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile)
16.00-16.20: Marcia Gaete. Increasing the dental organ size by the inhibition of hyaluronan synthesis. (P. U Católica, Chile)
16.20-16.40: Claudio Araya. Non-epithelial tissue internalisation depends on a transient Myosin/N-cadherin dependent epithelialisation event. (U. Austral, Chile)
16.40-17.00: Fernando Faunes. The Heterochronic Gene Lin28 Regulates Xenopus Metamorphosis through Disturbance of Thyroid Hormone Function. (UNAB, Chile) 17.00-17.25: Andrea Streit. Cell fate decisions during ear development. (King’s College London, UK)
17.25-17.50: Claudio Stern. “Reverse transcriptomics” as an approach to discover new Biology. (University College London, UK)