Here you will find scientific content in virtual format that we select and leave at your disposal so that you can learn and enjoy at home, from your devices connected to the internet. In this section you will find the “Conversations in Quarantine Times”, our series of conferences with prominent speakers who analyze the pandemic and its effects on society from different perspectives. Along with the above, you will find documentaries and the free download of the book “A Haven for Scientists”, which collects five centuries of history of our Puerto city, in addition to the traditional scientific talks “Tertulias Porteñas“, which are undoubtedly already part of the identity of our city.
We hope that this content brings science and culture closer to each and every citizen and their families in these difficult times. Since its inception, the Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurociencia de Valparaíso has tried to transfer its knowledge in innovative formats, and that is what we invite you to rediscover from your home.
In this section, we share with you our cycle of seminars “Conversations in Quarantine Times”, in which prominent exhibitors from the field of science participate. The central focus is to be able to analyze the health contingency in our country.
Pandemia de COVID-19 ¿Una tragedia (in)evitable?
De pandemias, infodemias y otros demonios
Iniciativas durante la pandemia
Reflexiones en torno a la ciencia y la política
La crisis global desde una mirada local
Cambio Climático y pandemia: Similitudes y aprendizajes
La cruzada científica en busca de vacunas para el COVID-19
An option to entertain and learn during this pandemic, with an innovative format in scientific dissemination, and having the Valparaíso region as a backdrop, the television series Neuropolis, explores the different facets of our brain with the eyes of scientists and people from other disciplines.
The series, developed by the production company Puerto Visual and the CINV, was broadcast by TVN in 2019 under the conduction of Bruno Grossi, Doctor in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
El mundo de las adicciones | Neurópolis T1E1
Placer y dolor | Neurópolis – T1E2
Inteligencia y Aprendizaje | Neurópolis – T1E3
La visión y los colores | Neurópolis – T1E4
La memoria y los recuerdos | Neurópolis T1E5
El Sonido | Neurópolis – T1E6
Olores y sabores | Neurópolis – T1E7
Relojes y tiempo | Neurópolis – T1E8
Television series of scientific dissemination, devised by the Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurociencia de Valparaíso (CINV), carried out by Cábala Producciones, with the support of Novasur, the Educational Television of the National Television Council and the EXPLORA CONICYT Program.
Neuromantes is a popular science series set in Valparaíso and aimed at all audiences. In six chapters it addresses topics of universal interest such as beauty, perception and emotions, among others, from a creative way and integrating different perspectives from neuroscience, innovation and culture.
Neuromantes | Belleza
Neuromantes | Redes
Neuromantes | Percepción
Neuromantes | Emociones
Neuromantes | Relojes Biológicos
Neuromantes | Memoria
This initiative arose in 2014 led by Dr. Schmachtenberg and constituted by a group of Magister and PhD students from our center who “translate” current and relevant publications in high-impact neuroscience journals. Thanks to this translation into a common language, these studies can be understood by the general population, thus making science reach a much wider audience. The articles are periodically published in the Culture + City section of the electronic newspaper El Mostrador. A book was recently published with a selection of these edited articles, which seeks to expand the impact of its contents and deliver, in a new format, scientific information available to everyone.
Lo siento, no se han encontrado publicaciones.
Montemar and the labyrinths of memory
Audiovisual production of the CINV, carried out by Cábala Producciones, which narrates one of the most significant epics in the recent history of science in Chile: that of a group of researchers in the town of Montemar, Valparaíso, who were capable of making great discoveries with worldwide impact using the nerves of the Humboldt Current cuttlefish.
A Haven for Scientists
Download the book in PDF format HERE
This CINV publication collects three centuries of history of the heritage building located in Barrio La Matriz, which will house specialists from the Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurociencia de la Universidad de Valparaíso.
The so-called “Severín Building”, installed next to La Matriz Church, in the heart of Buenos Aires heritage area, will host researchers from the Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurociencia de la Universidad de Valparaíso, constituting the cornerstone of an initiative that seeks to position city as a pole of scientific development.
Valparaíso, lighthouse of science.
The publication rescues the centennial history of the property, from its origins in the 18th century as a Jesuit temple; its status as the legislative seat in 1828; the operation of the Santo Domingo de Carabineros checkpoint at the end of the 19th century; and the damage caused by various natural disasters and fires that have affected its foundations from 1905 to date.

El edificio Severín forma parte de los hitos fundacionales de la Ciudad Portuaria, desde sus orígenes en el siglo XVI, a manos de Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes y los asaltos del corsario más famoso de los tiempos modernos, Sir Francis Drake. Los vestigios de agustinos, jesuitas, mercedarios y franciscanos darían paso luego a los albores de nuestra democracia en el Barrio La Matriz, en el siglo XIX, a una comisaría y al abandono total a consecuencia de incendios y terremotos.
El texto también revisa los orígenes de la investigación científica en la Región, desde el laboratorio de Fisiología Celular de Montemar, y que constituye un paso inicial para el proyecto que hoy espera colocar a Valparaíso en la órbita del desarrollo científico a nivel mundial.
Download the book in PDF format HERE
© 2014, Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurociencia de Valparaíso
© 2014, Universidad de Valparaíso
Co-financed with resources from the Millennium Scientific Initiative of the Ministry of Economy.
Editorial committee: Ramón Latorre, Pablo Muñoz Carvajal, Juan Carlos García, Ernesto Pfeiffer
Edition: Arantxa Martínez
Historical research: Frida del Campo, Teresita Rodríguez, Gonzalo Sotomayor. Con la colaboración de Verónica Gálvez
CINV Researchers: Ana María Cárdenas, Adrián G. Palacios, Agustín D. Martínez, Alan Neely, Carlos González, David Naranjo, Fernando Danilo González Nilo, John Ewer, Juan Carlos Sáez, Kathleen Whitlock, Oliver Schmachtenberg, Pablo Muñoz Carvajal, Patricio Orio, Ramón Latorre, Tomás Perez-Acle
© Translation: Rebecca von Someren
© Original prints and illustrations: Cristián Olivos
Design and layout: Ajícolor
Tertulias Porteñas
The Tertulias Porteñas are conversation meetings organized by the CINV since 2012, and are currently moderated by Patricio Fernández, founder of the weekly “The Clinic”. Our aim has been to show how neuroscience deals with the same issues as the rest of society, only that it often approaches them in a different way. Without a rigid or pre-established structure, the Tertulias seek to establish a conversation between the guests on the theme they have in common.
To see all the seasons click on the image or HERE