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    XIV Latin American Symposium on Chronobiology 2017 - LASC 2017

    Abstracts must be submitted via the web platform

    Early Registration deadline: Until October 5th
    Late Registration deadline: From October 6th


    1) You must be registered to upload your abstract. Please remember that the first author of the abstract should upload the abstract under his/her account name.

    2) Click the Abstract button.

    3) The abstract must be written in English. The title should contain no more than 25 words. Indicate the author’s names and their affiliations. The abstract cannot have more than 10 authors. The abstract body should contain no more than 250 words including funding acknowledgements.

    4) Write or paste the title in the Title field and click on the Save Abstract Title button.

    5) Write or paste the body of the abstract in the Abstract field and click on the Save Abstract Content button.

    6) Click on the Add Co-Author button, complete the requested information and Save. Repeat as many times as necessary. Remember that the order of authors in the abstract will be determined by the sequence in which you add the author names. Go to the Co-authors list if you need to delete or modify the co-author information.

    7) If you want to check your abstract before submission, please click on the Download Abstract button to get a copy in your computer. Then, click on the Submit button.

    8) If you require making subsequent modifications, please go to the appropriate Edit button in the Abstract area. Edit as needed and click on the Submit button again. This can be repeated as many times as necessary, up to the deadline for abstract submission.
